Gerry Labonte

Gerry LaBonte (pictured on the left with Barry Ilunga) has been a friend and co-laborer in Kingdom work with Barry Ilunga since August of 2016 when he arrived in Zambia for the first time accompanying a close family member on business. At that time he was introduced to the vision of calling Christian professionals to active involvement in serving God by reaching out to the individuals they come in contact with daily by virtue of their jobs. He immediately saw the value and great positive impact such an effort could bring to benefit current and future generations in Zambia and decided to use his gifts and talents as much as possible to be a part of it.

A man of great creativity and modest means, Gerry continued his formal education beyond high school by pursuing a traditional course of study in the field of Mechanical Engineering at the prestigious Lowell Technological Institute, Lowell, Massachusetts, USA in the mid-1960s. Since then, he has achieved understanding and familiarity in several successful career capacities including military service, retail management, sales and marketing, writing, and project administration within the industrial sector.

Currently, Gerry has made himself available to help promote WOTA’s “Ignite Christian Service” (ICS) initiative as it pertains to teachers and learners in schools of the Northwestern Province in Zambia. He divides the rest of his time between his ranch in Colorado, USA, serving his local church, facilitating youth activities that help prepare the next generation to carry on the work of the Church, and further immersing himself in God’s Word.

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